Suba Subbarao
Since joining the full-time faculty at OCC in 1991, Suba Subbarao has distinguished herself in and out of the classroom as a dedicated and innovative educator, committed to the success of her students. The Suyoga “Good Opportunity” Scholarship, so named to honor her heritage of placing the highest value on learning, is the latest expression of that commitment. She has created this scholarship in gratitude for the blessings she has received, and to show students the doors that education can open for them.
Subbarao teaches a range of classes, from Academic Literacy to Professional Communication to Introduction to Shakespeare. She finds herself both awed and humbled by the challenges her students confront and is grateful to be able to do her small part in helping students achieve their goals.
Subbarao’s honors include outstanding faculty member at the Auburn Hills campus, Outstanding Online Educator from the Alliance for Excellence in Online Education, Michigan Campus Compact’s Outstanding Service Learning Instructor, and Michigan Developmental Education Consortium’s Educator of the Year.